J-INTECH ( Journal of Information and Technology) 2024-08-02T01:46:01+00:00 Siti Aminah, S.Si., M.Pd Open Journal Systems <p><strong>J-Intech (Journal of Information and Technology)</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian &amp; Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia Malang. Ruang lingkup jurnal ini pada bidang Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informatika, dan Manajemen Informatika. Tujuannya guna mengakomodasi kebutuhan akan perkembangan Teknologi Informasi . J-Intech terbit setahun dua kali, yaitu Juni dan Desember dengan ISSN (print) : 2303-1425 dan ISSN (online) : 2580-720X. dan telah memiliki DOI <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Homepage J-Intech Volume 12 No 1 Juni 2024 2024-08-01T08:39:13+00:00 Siti Aminah <p>Halaman Awal J-Intech Volume 12 No 1 Juni 2024</p> 2024-08-01T08:39:13+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Package Reception Security System Using Face Recognition and Comparison Algorithms Method with Rasberry Pi Based on Internet of Things 2024-06-07T07:09:47+00:00 Frisca Nurul Azmi Tjut Awaliyah Z M Iqbal Suriansyah <p><em>In this research will use a Raspberry Pi for face processing. Raspberry Pi was chosen because the facial recognition process requires larger CPU processing. Then for input, use a webcam. Then it will be processed by the Raspberry Pi which will then open the door lock and the package can be taken by the buyer. Research Objective "a package receiving sistem using face recognition and comparison algorithms with a Raspberry Pi based on the internet of things" can make it easier for recipients to receive packages safely when the package recipient is not at home. As a result of this research, the author completed several things that became reference points to get maximum results with the most efficient model design possible. This sistem uses a webcam as input which is then processed using a comparison algorithm to compare the registered photos with the frames obtained from the webcam. Then the results will be sent to the website for anyone who tries to open the goods receipt safe to see.</em></p> 2024-06-07T07:09:30+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UI/UX Design for Clothing Sewing Services Using a Design Thinking Approach in Malang City 2024-06-28T08:46:18+00:00 Everista Richarda Lefteuw Viry Puspaning Ramadhan <p><em>The development of technology greatly affects the needs of life and the way people think, especially the development of technology software. This then makes the development of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) need to be a concern. Currently, the number of tailors in Malang City is increasing and has different specialties, and consumer demand is also increasing so that to get a sewing place, customers must take the time and come directly to the tailor. The problem is, not everyone can find out all the locations of sewing places around his house and whether the sewing place can still accept customers or not. This research aims to design a prototype application of clothing sewing services in Malang City and to provide information on clothing sewing services that can meet the needs of the community. Researchers use the Application of Design Thinking because it is able to produce more innovative and effective solutions in designing products or services and use the figma application to design prototypes. The testing process is carried out online using Maze Design as a test on interface design and System Usability Scale (SUS) which aims to measure user perceptions of interface usability. The test results using SUS (system usability scale) obtained an average value of 71.38, so it can be concluded that the system is well received.</em></p> 2024-06-28T08:46:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Combination of Rank Reciprocal Method and Composite Performance Index for Promotion Decision Support System 2024-07-02T08:46:12+00:00 Dedy Alamsyah Arief Herdiansah Hamid Wijaya Hengki Rusdianto <p><em>Dalam konteks globalisasi dan persaingan bisnis yang ketat, promosi jabatan merupakan aspek strategis yang esensial bagi kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan organisasi. Keputusan promosi yang objektif dan merata tidak hanya meningkatkan motivasi karyawan tetapi juga memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya manusia, meningkatkan produktivitas organisasi. Namun, penilaian kelayakan kandidat untuk promosi seringkali dihadapkan pada tantangan evaluasi kriteria yang kompleks dan subjektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) untuk promosi jabatan yang mempermudah pengambil keputusan menentukan pilihan yang objektif dan efisien dengan menggabungkan metode Rank Reciprocal (RR) dan Composite Performance Index (CPI). Metode RR mengurangi bias penilaian subjektif dengan memberikan bobot terbalik berdasarkan peringkat kriteria, sedangkan CPI mengintegrasikan berbagai dimensi kinerja menjadi satu indeks komprehensif, memungkinkan evaluasi holistik dari setiap kandidat. Output hasil perhitungan SPK yang diperoleh secara manual dalam studi kasus sesuai dengan output sistem, menunjukkan keabsahan perhitungan sistem. Disamping itu, hasil pengujian menggunakan pendekatan black-box testing juga memperlihatkan kemampuan sistem dalam menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of Public Service Complaint System Using Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology 2024-07-02T08:54:55+00:00 Yanuardi Yanuardi Lukman Azhari Alfry Aristo Jansen Sinlae Allan Desi Alexander <p><em>The digital era has demanded efficient and responsive public services as a fundamental need for society, including in the aspect of service complaints. With the village office acting as an intermediary between the government and the public, challenges such as convoluted complaint procedures, lack of transparency, and resource limitations hinder the provision of responsive services. This research aims to address these issues through the development of a community service complaint system based on a website using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. RAD method was chosen for its ability to develop systems efficiently, with active user involvement, ensuring the system meets user needs. The research outcome is a community service complaint system based on a website, allowing the public to easily submit complaints, monitor their status, and view responses, while enabling officers to manage complaint data and provide direct responses. Usability testing of the system yielded an average score of 90.83%, indicating a high level of user satisfaction.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Decision Support System Using WASPAS Method for Business and Financial Management Application Selection 2024-07-02T09:42:21+00:00 Idrus Ramadhan Nurhasan Nugroho Hadi Kurniawanto Joni Warta <p><em>In dynamic and complex business environments, effective management is crucial, particularly in the use of business and financial applications. However, the plethora of available applications makes selecting the right one a complicated and time-consuming process. Users must review each application before making a decision, which is often difficult and lengthy due to a lack of comprehensive understanding of all available options. This research aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) utilizing the WASPAS (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment) method to facilitate the selection of ideal business and financial management applications and streamline the decision-making process. The WASPAS method is chosen for its ability to evaluate various alternatives by combining weighted sum and weighted product approaches, resulting in a more balanced and objective evaluation. This research produces a system capable of performing automatic calculations using the WASPAS method and presenting the best alternative recommendations in the form of rankings. Additionally, the DSS developed achieved an average usability score of 91.25%, indicating that the system is user-friendly and suitable for implementation</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Website Based Employee Recruitment Information System at PT Federal International Finance Tegal City Branch 2024-07-03T08:54:03+00:00 Fanny Fatma Wati Andrian Eko Widodo Dzulchan Abror <p><em>Human Resources (HR) is indeed very influential for the success of an organization, and an effective selection process is one of the keys to ensure that the selected human resources have motivation, ability in the company. By conducting a good selection process, companies can ensure that they get the right individuals for the available positions. Changing the selection process from a manual method to an online system through the official website will bring many advantages. These include increased efficiency in managing applicant data, expanding the range of candidate searches, and speeding up the selection process. At PT Federal Internasional Finance in the employee recruitment process still uses a manual system so a website is needed to facilitate the employee recruitment process to be more effective and efficient. In making this website using the waterfall method starting from the planning stage to the system maintenance stage. The results of this study are computerized acceptance of new employees, expected to be able to contribute to the company, especially Human Resources (HR). The process of accepting prospective new employees of PT. Federal International finance spends a long time, will have a direct impact on inefficient data which will cause inaccuracies in a data.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Prediction of Student Performance in the Results of the Online Learning Process Assessment in Informatics Subjects in High School 2024-07-26T09:03:06+00:00 Sasra Dipa Joan Santoso Francisca H. Chandra <p><em>In the Corona Endemic, we are not just returning to offline education patterns but are already moving towards education 5.0. Online, normal, blended learning patterns have become commonplace. Online learning assessment requires fast and precise predictions of student performance (high accuracy). The reason is first, due to limited direct interaction. Second, normal learning usually involves an assessment of the learning process and character assessment to be able to provide an accurate final assessment, which is difficult to implement in online learning accurately. Third, there is a lot of data to be processed quickly and precisely so that it can be reported to educational institutions and to students' families. Fourth, Informatics is a lesson that is 80% practical and 20% theory so that the assessment instruments used are 80% performance instruments (Bloom's taxonomy: C2, C3, C4, C5) and 20% multiple choice instruments (C1). Informatics correction and assessment requires more time because 80% cannot be assessed automatically. This research aims to predict student performance (Pass (1) or Intervention (0)) on the results of the online learning process assessment for informatics subjects in high school. If the student performance prediction results in an intervention, it will be immediately followed up by providing an intervention strategy to increase student performance. The target of the research results is to achieve &gt; 70% accuracy on the processed dataset. This research uses the ensemble learning method random Forest Classification and XG Boosting classification. The research results of Student Performance Prediction using XG Boost Classification produce higher accuracy than RF Classification which has an average accuracy value = 93% while RF Classification has an average accuracy result = 92%. The research objectives have been achieved because the results of the 2 methods used have met the desired targets.</em></p> 2024-07-03T09:36:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Web-Based Employee Payroll Information System (Case Study of PT. Bridgestone Kalimantan Plantation) 2024-07-04T09:28:15+00:00 Bagus Prasetyo Afian Syafaadi Rizki Dwi Agung Wibowo Nina Mia Aristi M. Najamudin Ridha <p><em> Bridgestone Kalimantan Plantation, a rubber plantation company, currently manages employee payroll semi-manually using a Delphi-based desktop application and Microsoft Excel. This approach encounters several challenges, such as limited accessibility, data integrity issues, and time-consuming processes. To address these problems, this study aims to develop a web-based payroll information system. The primary objective of this research is to improve accessibility, streamline payroll management processes, and enhance data accuracy and security. The system is designed using the Laravel framework, chosen for its ease of use and security in implementing authentication and authorization, as well as its future integration capabilities. The results of the study indicate that the developed system functions as needed, providing a more efficient platform, reducing errors, and improving the user experience for employees involved in the payroll process. The implementation of this system is expected to enhance the overall operational efficiency of PT. Bridgestone Kalimantan Plantation.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Student Satisfaction Levels with Study Program Management Services Using Sugeno's Fuzzy Inference Method 2024-07-04T09:47:48+00:00 Amrul Hinung Prihamayu <p><em>This research aims to analyze the level of student satisfaction with study program management services at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) IAIN Ponorogo using the Sugeno fuzzy inference method with the help of the Fuzzy Toolbox in the MATLAB application. The data used is primary data collected from 1036 respondents, namely active students from the Sharia Economics, Sharia Banking and Zakat and Waqf Management Study Programs. The evaluation includes five service factors: Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy, which are measured using a Likert scale. The analysis process begins with creating a fuzzy set for each variable, using the fuzzy implication function, compiling 19 fuzzy rules, and ending with defuzzification to obtain a concrete value for the level of satisfaction. The research results show that the Sugeno fuzzy method can effectively capture variations in student responses and provide accurate results regarding their level of satisfaction. This method makes it easier for the Faculty Quality Control Team team to evaluate and improve the quality of academic services, thereby making a significant contribution to continuous improvement in the management of study programs at FEBI IAIN Ponorogo.</em></p> 2024-07-04T09:47:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of a Local Wisdom Mapping Application to Support P5 Learning at SMA Negeri 5 Bandung 2024-07-05T03:39:56+00:00 Falahah Suprapto Abdullah Fajar Fajar Munandar <p><em>Local wisdom is a valuable national cultural asset that needs to be preserved. We can initiate an effort to preserve local wisdom by disseminating it to the broader community through comprehensive and precise information. However, Indonesia has not yet effectively managed local wisdom information, forcing individuals to scour the internet for various sources. On the other hand, the education sector also places significant emphasis on local wisdom, incorporating it as a key theme in the implementation of the P5 (Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila) program in schools. P5 is a project-based learning approach that has become mandatory from the latest education curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka). Through teamwork, P5 assigns students to study a specific subject or social or cultural phenomenon. This assignment culminates in the presentation of a report or a specific product. P5 typically collects reports and information in hard copy form, only archiving them at the school, making it challenging for both students and the wider community to access them. Indeed, easy access to the collected information would greatly enhance its usefulness. Based on the aforementioned conditions, we proposed a solution that involves building and implementing a local wisdom mapping application for the storage of digital data. The P5 programs at Senior High School 5 (SMA Negeri 5) Bandung, which selected local wisdom as a specific theme for P5, serve as the data source for this application. It is expected that the presence of this application can support the P5 learning process by facilitating digital storage of research results and disseminating the results to a wider community. We conducted this study using the canonical action research method. Two classes of 10th-grade students participated in the implementation and socialization phases of the pilot project. They can input a location and complementary information such as related photos and videos and complete student research reports. It helps the student keep their work published and reachable by the broader community. The evaluation results demonstrate the application's ease of use and benefits for students and the school.</em></p> 2024-07-05T01:47:21+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Creating Easy Tender App for Tender Process Procurement Division at PT. United Tractors 2024-07-05T02:43:19+00:00 Farhan Ryanda Imran R Wisnu Prio Pamungkas <p><em>In the ongoing era of digital transformation, the use of information technology has become essential in digitizing business processes across various sectors, including the tender process for procuring goods and services. Manual tender processes often face several challenges, such as being time-consuming, prone to human errors, and inefficient. In the Procurement and Investment Function Division 1 of PT. United Tractors, the tender process for optional safety device items is still conducted manually, creating complexity and consuming a significant amount of time. This research proposes the development of an Android-based application, named Easy Tender, to automate most stages of the tender process. The application is designed to include features such as participant registration, tender participant confirmation, automatic winner determination based on the lowest price and set deadlines, and sorting ranking in the tender recap using the Bubble Sort algorithm. Additionally, the application provides ease of digitalized negotiation and allows real-time monitoring of the tender process. With the development of Easy Tender, it is expected that the Procurement and Investment Function Division 1 of PT. United Tractors can digitize their tender processes, making the tender process more efficient, time-saving, and reducing the risk of human errors. This application is also expected to enhance accountability in determining the winner based on the lowest price. Therefore, this research holds high urgency in efforts to improve operational efficiency and the application of information technology in the business world.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Coffee Bean Roasting Maturity Levels Using Color Feature Extraction 2024-07-05T05:57:41+00:00 I Gede Pramana Ade Saputra Prastyadi Wibawa Rahayu I Made Dwi Ardiada <p><em>This research aims to develop a digital image analysis system that can determine the level of maturity of roasted coffee beans, in terms of detecting roasted coffee beans that are suitable and not suitable for consumption and sold as quality coffee (special coffee) as stated in the coffee bean classification standards provided by SNI No. 01-2907-1999. This research aims to develop a digital image analysis system that can determine the level of maturity of roasted coffee beans in terms of color. The color feature extraction used in this research is the HSV (Hue Saturation Value) color space. This research began by collecting data in the form of 2D digital images of roasted coffee beans. The system developed in this research consists of two main stages, namely training and testing. The amount of coffee bean image data used was 90 images. The data used is in the form of images of coffee beans consisting of three levels, namely dark, light and medium. Classification uses the Naive Bayes algorithm. Based on the results of research on the analysis of coffee bean maturity levels, the highest training accuracy was 100% and the highest testing accuracy was 100%.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Identification Of Signatures Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Method 2024-07-08T09:22:37+00:00 Dechy Deswita Indriani.S Elya Juni Arta Sinaga Grace Oktavia Hermawan Syahputra Fanny Ramadhani <p><em>This research aims to develop and evaluate a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for signature identification. The CNN method is chosen for its capability to extract and analyze complex visual features from signature images. The data used in this study consists of a collection of signature images divided into training and testing sets. The proposed CNN model comprises several convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers optimized for classification tasks. Evaluation results indicate that the CNN model achieves excellent performance with an accuracy of 0.97, demonstrating high accuracy and precision in signature recognition. With these results, CNN proves to be an effective and reliable method for signature identification, making a significant contribution to the field of biometric identity verification. These findings open opportunities for further applications in security and authentication systems requiring automatic signature recognition.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Design of a Web-Based Guest Book Information System at the Banda Aceh Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office 2024-07-09T01:29:11+00:00 Icha Widya Pratiwi Nazaruddin Ahmad Arifiyanto Hadinegoro Saifan Hafizh Rana Sulthanah <p><em>In an agency, visits from other institutions and the general public frequently occur. To record these visits, an officer manages a guest book where visitors log their presence and state their purpose. However, the conventional method of using a guest book is susceptible to damage and leads to the accumulation of physical books. Additionally, summarizing visit data daily, weekly, monthly, or annually becomes challenging. Therefore, there is a need for digital modernization of visitor recording to align with the smart government concept implemented in government agencies. The proposed solution is to design a web-based guest book information system that will facilitate visitor data recording, visit monitoring, and visit summarization according to the needs of the leadership at the Regional Office of Law and Human Rights in Banda Aceh. To achieve optimal results, this study employs the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method combined with the waterfall software development approach. The design process includes creating use case diagrams, conceptualizing database table relations, and utilizing the PHP programming language with the Bootstrap framework to ensure an easy-to-use interface. With this guest book information system, visitors will no longer need to fill out conventional guest books, and the Regional Office of Law and Human Rights in Banda Aceh will not require traditional guest book archiving. All visitor data, visit logs, and visit summaries will be stored in a system accessible to relevant parties as needed.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Application of Business Intelligence to Vending Machine Sales in Central New Jersey USA Using Tableau 2024-07-09T02:47:40+00:00 nizar fawwazun hilmi Allif Rizki Abdillah Putra Syahri Maulana Muhammad Sidiq Bagus Prakoso <p><em>This research aims to analyze the application of Business Intelligence (BI) to vending machine sales in Central New Jersey, USA, using the Tableau data visualization tool. In the current digital era, BI is the key for companies to make faster and more precise decisions based on existing data. Vending machines as an automated sales channel produce large and varied sales data, requiring in-depth analysis to improve sales performance. This research uses a case study approach by collecting sales data from a number of vending machines spread across various locations in Central New Jersey. Data is analyzed using Tableau to identify sales patterns, seasonal trends, and factors that influence sales performance. The resulting data visualization helps in revealing important insights such as products with the highest sales, the most effective sales times, and strategic locations for vending machine placement. The research results show that using Tableau in BI is very effective in identifying and analyzing vending machine sales data. These findings provide concrete recommendations for vending machine managers to improve sales strategies, including stock management, pricing, and machine placement. Overall, implementing BI with Tableau provides significant added value in data-based decision making and can be adapted for various other types of business.</em></p> 2024-07-09T02:47:40+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Comparison Of Classification Algorithm In User Sentiment Analysis Of Getcontact Application In Online Fraud Prevention 2024-07-12T09:26:49+00:00 Hermanto Hermanto Riza Fahlapi Antonius Yadi Kuntoro Taufik Asra <p><em>Online fraud refers to various fraudulent acts carried out over the internet with the aim of fraudulently obtaining financial gain or personal information. We need to continue to spread awareness about the importance of security for ourselves and the people we know, where currently there are many different modes of online fraud. One application that is well known to the public is the GetContact application, which is an application designed to provide information about incoming calls, identify spam or fraudulent calls, and provide services related to a list of telephone contacts that have been registered by fellow users of the application. In this research, researchers will analyze the sentiment of comments from users of the Getcontact application by comparing the test results of classification algorithms, namely Naïve Bayes Classifier and SVM. This research process will begin with data sampling using the scrapping technique on Google Playstore and processing data from users of the Getcontact application using RapidMiner. After the preprocessing process and model testing with two textmining methods using algorithms, namely SVM and Naive Bayes, the evaluation and validation results show that Naïve Bayes has a higher level of accuracy than SVM. For Naïve Bayes, the accuracy value reached 82.97% with an AUC value of 0.500, while for SVM, the accuracy value was 78.00% with an AUC value of 0.926. These results show that Naïve Bayes is superior in classifying user comments on the Getcontact application on Google Play as positive and negative comments.</em></p> 2024-07-09T07:23:23+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Development of an Integrated Customer Ticket Portal for Improving PT. Padi Internet's ISP Services 2024-07-12T08:49:47+00:00 Hariyanto Aditya Ramadhan Desi Ramayanti <p><em>This study aims to develop an Integrated Customer Ticket Portal to enhance the service quality of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) at PT. Padi Internet. The background of this research is the need for an effective solution to manage customer complaints and improve service responsiveness. The research employs the waterfall methodology, which includes the stages of requirement analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Data collection techniques used include interviews with the customer service team, observation of operational processes, and documentation studies. The results of the study indicate that the development of the customer ticket portal can reduce response time to complaints, increase customer satisfaction, and provide useful analytical data for continuous service improvement. The implementation of this portal also results in a well-integrated system, facilitating ticket monitoring and management by the internal team. The practical implications of these findings are increased operational efficiency at PT. Padi Internet in handling customer complaints and further development of additional features that support better interaction with customers</em>.</p> 2024-07-12T08:49:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Perbandingan Performa Framework NestJS dan Lumen Pada Studi Kasus Aplikasi Berbasis REST API 2024-07-24T04:42:57+00:00 Buce Trias Hanggara Muhammad Hasan Nasrullah Djoko Pramono <p><em>Information service systems are often developed using web service architectures based on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). There are various API technologies available, each offering different performance levels. NodeJS and PHP have specific frameworks for backend development, namely NestJS and Lumen. This study focuses on comparing the performance of these applications from the perspective of response time, CPU, and memory usage. The method involves testing 8 services created using each technology. This research provides a comparative analysis showing that there is no significant difference in response time between the two technologies, with only a 40ms or 0.04-second difference. In other aspects, differences were found between the two technologies in terms of CPU usage, with a 6% difference, and memory usage, with a 1% difference. NestJS demonstrated better efficiency in CPU and memory usage compared to Lumen, based on average calculations.</em></p> 2024-07-24T04:39:21+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of a Website-Based Inventory Management Information System at Sixteen Minimarket 2024-08-02T01:46:01+00:00 David Saputra Octadianto Soedargo Titasari Rahmawati <p>The digital era requires all businesses to shift from traditional industries to industries that utilize information technology. One of the businesses affected is a minimarket, which is a type of business that combines the concept of self-service on a small scale with a target market in line with traditional markets. Sixteen minimarket is an individual business managed by a food retail company and various kinds of daily necessities. The entire process of bookkeeping at Sixteen minimarkets is still done manually. This can lead to the risk of human error in producing goods reports and stock information. Manual bookkeeping can also be at risk of being lost or damaged. Apart from that, the data search process can also take quite a long time. This results in less than optimal service. A website-based inventory management information system was developed to solve this problem. The development method used is Waterfall. The design process includes the design of the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Conceptual Data Model (CDM), and Physical Data Model (PDM). This information system can record goods reports and stock information more quickly, efficiently and accurately. Apart from that, it can also minimize the risk of human error.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Design and Creation of a Desktop-Based Pharmacy Sales Information System (Case Study at the "Tiara" Pharmacy) 2024-08-02T01:41:37+00:00 I Gede Wiarta Sena Edwin Meinardi Trianto David Saputra Octadianto Soedargo Michael Komang R. C. D. <p>The important thing that must be done by a company is to ensure that the transaction process can run quickly and accurately. Therefore, companies must update their systems so that business processes can run optimally. Apotek Tiara still uses a manual transaction system, so there are many errors and problems that can harm the company. Therefore it is necessary to create a desktop-based application that can be used for the sales transaction process along with the order throwing transaction process. The purpose of this study is to develop and create a desktop-based sales information system that can be used by Tiara Pharmacy to improve operational efficiency and automate the sales process, stock recording, and financial reports. The method used in developing information systems is the agile method. The resulting system consists of a login process based on user access rights, a cashier process, updating item or drug data, a report generation process, and a delivery process. The result of this research is a sales information system at the Tiara pharmacy in the city of Surabaya which is specially made so that it can carry out an accurate data collection process.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##