A Web-Based Decision Support System Implementation for Evaluating Premier Smartphone Brands Using Weighted Product Method
In the current modern era, smartphones have become an indispensable part of daily life, extensively utilized across a multitude of activities, particularly through online platforms. This underscores the imperative of aiding individuals in making precise decisions regarding the smartphone that aligns most with their needs. To address this exigency, the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) employing the Weighted Product method assumes paramount significance in this research. This DSS empowers users to select the most fitting smartphone by assigning weight values to various performance metrics. The criteria used in this research are price, RAM, ROM, battery capacity, and Android version. The successful implementation of this system streamlines the smartphone selection process, enabling users to make judicious choices that perfectly cater to their requirements while optimizing performance metrics.. In this research, Poco X3 Pro has the highest Vector V value of 0.255441, making it the best-recommended smartphone.

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