Published: 2024-06-07

UI/UX Design for Clothing Sewing Services Using a Design Thinking Approach in Malang City

Combination of Rank Reciprocal Method and Composite Performance Index for Promotion Decision Support System

Development of Public Service Complaint System Using Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology

Decision Support System Using WASPAS Method for Business and Financial Management Application Selection

Web-Based Employee Payroll Information System (Case Study of PT. Bridgestone Kalimantan Plantation)

Development of a Local Wisdom Mapping Application to Support P5 Learning at SMA Negeri 5 Bandung

Creating Easy Tender App for Tender Process Procurement Division at PT. United Tractors

Analysis of Coffee Bean Roasting Maturity Levels Using Color Feature Extraction

Identification Of Signatures Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Method

Design of a Web-Based Guest Book Information System at the Banda Aceh Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office

Application of Business Intelligence to Vending Machine Sales in Central New Jersey USA Using Tableau

Comparison Of Classification Algorithm In User Sentiment Analysis Of Getcontact Application In Online Fraud Prevention

Analisis Perbandingan Performa Framework NestJS dan Lumen Pada Studi Kasus Aplikasi Berbasis REST API

Development of a Website-Based Inventory Management Information System at Sixteen Minimarket

Design and Creation of a Desktop-Based Pharmacy Sales Information System (Case Study at the "Tiara" Pharmacy)